expired on May 3, 2011
Alpine 2.2.0
Stable 2.2 release
(from redmine: created on 2010-10-27)
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- hwclock: unrecognized option '--systz'
- ugly progressbar during boot when not quiet
- fsck should be aware of mdadm/lvm mounted file systems
- roundcubemail-installer package
- Dovecot 2.0.12 post-install script wrong ssl parameters
- main/lighttpd: permissions of /var/log/lighttpd and /var/run/lighttpd needs follow the config
- main/roundcubemail: paths for config, logs and possibly temp dirs are wrong
- Chrony fails to start when upgrading to Alpine 2.2_rc1
- posixtz (tzdata) returns nothing on x86_64
- setup-disk says "Not a valid install mode" when no disk is selected
- setup-vs-guest progressbar looks strange
- /etc/init.d/dovecot extracts base_dir value incorectly
- postgresql-9.0.3-r0 fails to initialize database
- openrc 0.8.0 fails to boot on xen guest
- fail2ban missing init script
- php_mssql
- Kernel 2.6.38 breaks v4l-utils
- Alpine Edge (110412): Make console ttys identify themselves
- Alpine Edge (110412): WARNING: rc_sys not defined in rc.conf
- create init.d script for lsyncd
- php-xsl-5.6.3-r1 needs php-dom as dependency
- uclibc backtrace / libexecinfo
- setup-disk should say if it can't find a hard drive
- lbu with ro-mounted media and "keep X backups" does not work
- NGINX Package: Stopping does not kill processes
- have setup-disk to use ext4 as default filesystem
- remove /etc/conf.d/local
- upgrade linux-vserver to 2.6.38
- upgrade linux-grsec to 2.6.38
- NGINX Package Request
- Package request: logcheck and dependancies
- alpine-conf: setup-interfaces: loopback configuration needs to be first in /etc/network/interfaces
- ZNC Package
- Possible apk-tools bug when making a custom alpine-iso
- force CHARSET to UTF-8 in /etc/profile
- busybox-1.18.2 klogd refuses to stop
- after upgrade to openrc-0.7.x vserver guests does not boot up
- debootstrap failure
- mod_shout on Freeswitch
- Please compile extra FreeTDM modules
- git send-email broken again in edge
- elinks package conflicts with gettext
- iputils conflicts with bbsuid
- ACF error on x86_64 egde function: General health
- add fail2ban
- kadmin -l fails
- heimdal-1.3.3-r0 does not create /var/lib/heimdal
- ncurses compiled with termcap enabled breaks irssi Unicode support
- vserver needs to depends on regular grep
- Error running ACF on x86_64 edge
- apache2 segfault
- Missing 'patch' in 2.1.2
- mysql-5.1.53-r0 (edge): BAD signature
- php-cgi is missing
- Package Request: pllua in edge/testing may need to be recompiled
- handle usr/share/locale/locale.alias properly
- coreutils does not replace the busybox install command
- ipw2100 firmware doesn't get installed with linux-firmware
- in alpine 2.1.3 setup-disk on mounted directory does not create MBR
- git send-email no longer works on edge
- Please add traceroute setuid in bbsuid
- Package Request: lua-sec
- please add lvm+cryptsetup to the live media
- reiserfsprogs package is not available
- easier way to add apk repositories
- Option to mount boot media read-only
- Redmine will not install due to Ruby openssl error
- uclibc locale support
- Alpine ISO: Attempts to load boot media from last detected CD-ROM device?
- php PCRE library that does not support Unicode
- package request: auth-openvpn-ldap
- Timezone selection in setup-alpine (or any other setup)
- package request: zabbix
- Create 64 bit alpine
- sems-1.1.1 edge/testing misc problems
- dovecot sql connection file parse error?
- Package request: open-vm-tools