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community/netpbm: upgrade to 11.2.0

Carl Chave requested to merge sodface/aports:community/netpbm into master

I had to disable two more tests, see !42438 (merged) where the original group of tests was disabled. The two additional tests now failing were recently updated and use pnmcolormap which the developer explained last time:

I looked at the files you sent and found that the problem is that the 'pnmcolormap' program, when asked to choose 32 representative colors for the test image, chooses slightly different colors for you than for me.

23.03.25 BJH Release 11.02.00

          jpegtopnm: Add -traceexif

          pbmtextps: Add -asciihex, -ascii85.

          pcdovtoppm: remove dependency on obsolete 'tempfile' program.

          jpegtopnm: Many fixes to -dumpexif.  Always broken.
          (-dumpexif was new in Netpbm 9.18 (September 2001))

          pamtopng: fix -chroma option: always rejected.  Always broken.
          (pamtopng was new in Netpbm 10.70 (June 2015)).

          pnmtopng: fix -rgb option: always rejected.  Always broken
          (-rgb was new in Netpbm 10.30 (October 2005)).

          build: change the way you add the separately distributed
          'hpcdtoppm' code to the build.
Edited by Carl Chave

Merge request reports
