[ACF on Lighttpd](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/trinity-labs/mini_httpd-lighttpd)
[ACF on Lighttpd](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/trinity-labs/mini_httpd-lighttpd)
> ⚠️ **CPU Temp bugs - Network Chart only eth0 - Disk Partition to be continued, etc:** Please be patient!
Light-weight App (Less than 2 MB) installed
Light-weight App (Less than 2 MB) installed
> ⚠️ `Serve by` field check version of both `lighttpd` and `mini_httpd`. If `lighttpd` is install on system, command return `lighttpd` as prefered ACF server. However, it's the best choice to switch to `lighttpd` for `ACF`
Return `Lua` ACF used version and `ACF Server` version. <br>
⚠️ `Served by` field, check version of both `lighttpd` and `mini_httpd`. If `lighttpd` is install on system, command return `lighttpd` as prefered ACF server. However, it's the best choice to switch to `lighttpd` for `ACF`
Get **live** uptime timer in `Lua` and `JS` to parse `/proc/uptime` in major Linux distro to convert seconds in human readeable value and up to centuries
Get **live** proc temp (checked every seconds) from `/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/temp` (seems target `x86_pkg_temp` on main x86 systems - please report errors)
else print `NaN`
And many other - Project in constent dev
Install essential packages :
Install essential packages :
@@ -53,7 +112,14 @@ skindir=/skins/,/userskins/
@@ -53,7 +112,14 @@ skindir=/skins/,/userskins/
> ⚠️ **CPU Temp bugs - Network Chart only eth0 - Disk Partition to be continued, etc:** Please be patient!