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  1. Jan 01, 2025
  2. Dec 31, 2024
  3. May 21, 2024
    • Ariadne Conill's avatar
      libfetch: remove support for FTP · 41ea8a08
      Ariadne Conill authored
      As discussed in #10749, I suggested that we remove FTP support to reduce possible attack surface
      as there are no Alpine mirrors which use FTP.
      There are also no known mirrors of any other apk-using distribution which use FTP, so I believe
      we are safe to remove support for FTP-based mirrors in apk-tools 3.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAriadne Conill <>
  4. Dec 14, 2021
    • Ariadne Conill's avatar
      libfetch: use pkg-config to find openssl cflags · 81d8d2b3
      Ariadne Conill authored and Timo Teräs's avatar Timo Teräs committed
      on mac, openssl is usually provided by Homebrew or some other third-party
      package management system, which means pkg-config is needed to find it.
      we already use pkg-config to find openssl when building apk itself.
      ref #10794
  5. May 06, 2020
    • Timo Teräs's avatar
      add script to autogenerate help from man pages · 5258b484
      Timo Teräs authored
      This creates main help like:
      usage: apk [<OPTIONS>...] COMMAND [<ARGUMENTS>...]
      Package installation and removal:
        add        Add packages to WORLD and commit changes
        del        Remove packages from WORLD and commit changes
      System maintenance:
        fix        Check WORLD against the system and ensure consistency
        update     Update repository indexes
        upgrade    Install upgrades available from repositories
        cache      Commands related to the management of an offline package cache
      Querying package information:
        info       Give detailed information about packages or repositories
        list       List packages matching a pattern or other criteria
        dot        Generate graphviz graphs
        policy     Show repository policy for packages
      Repository maintenance:
        index      Create repository index file from packages
        fetch      Download packages from global repositories to a local directory
        manifest   Show checksums of package contents
        verify     Verify package integrity and signature
        audit      Audit directories for changes
        stats      Show statistics about repositories and installations
        version    Compare package versions or perform tests on version strings
      This apk has coffee making abilities.
      And applet specific help like:
      usage: apk add [<OPTIONS>...] PACKAGES...
        apk add adds the requested packages to WORLD and installs (or upgrades)
        them if not already present, ensuring all dependencies are met.
        --initdb         Initialize a new package database
        -l, --latest     Disables normal heuristics for choosing which repository to install a
        -u, --upgrade    When adding packages which are already installed, upgrade them rather
        -t, --virtual NAME
                         Instead of adding the specified packages to WORLD, create a new
        --no-chown       Do not change file owner or group
  6. Oct 06, 2017
  7. Oct 05, 2017
    • Timo Teräs's avatar
      libfetch: improve ssl connections · 52fd85a8
      Timo Teräs authored
      loosely based on the freebsd implementation, implement https
      connection settings to override CA, and use client certificate.
      new files supported in /etc/apk/:
        ca.pem   - if exists, it contains CAs acceptable for https
      	     (otherwise system wide CAs are used)
        crl.pem  - if ca.pem is used, this is the (optional) CRL for it
        cert.pem - used as client authentication certificate (+ key)
        cert.key - used as client key (can be also inside cert.pem)
    • Timo Teräs's avatar
      libfetch: remove unwanted code conditionals · 531fea4c
      Timo Teräs authored
    • Timo Teräs's avatar
      build and use bundled libfetch natively · 86436fce
      Timo Teräs authored
    • Timo Teräs's avatar
      import libfetch-2.38 from NetBSD · 9dc6278c
      Timo Teräs authored
      libfetch comes (at least) in netbsd and freebsd flavors which
      differing functionality. Alpine and Arch package netbsd one,
      but it's not widely packaged across other distributions.
      We need NetBSD version as it does not use funopen(3) which is not
      supported in musl, and supports connection pooling.
      FreeBSD seems to be the orignal and better maintained version
      with support for SSL CAs, client certificate authentication,
      proxy authentication, and improved http redirect handling.
      So this imports NetBSD version, and future commits will pick up
      the needed improvements from FreeBSD tree.
      Incidentally, this also fixes #7857 and likes for good.