eggs produce --backup working with luks: all users accounts and their home are saved in crypted volume. bugfix postrm. I added cryptsetup to the dependencies, so you will be forced to use sudo apt install -f to install eggs
**sudo eggs produce --fast --backup **
during the process you will asked from cryptsetup for the passphrase, confirm it and give it again fo open your luks-volume.
Attention: at the moment if you wrong passphrase or something else, the program simply end with error, in future I will refine this.
When you finish the iso production and put the inso on the new VM, krill will be able to understand if this is a backup and it will ask for the same passphrase of luks. Again this is actually a bit wild, if you wrong the passphrase krill end, but we could solve this in future.
The nice thing is that at the end of the installation, you can simply log in with your old user, the same password and find all your files in your home.