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make overlaytmpfs configurable with overlaytmpfsflags

omni requested to merge (removed):overlaytmpfs-rootflags into master

For option overlaytmpfs, add option overlaytmpfsflags (for the upper tmpfs) and make use of rootflags and rootfstype (for underlying rootfs) when set. This would solve #11 (closed) as it enables you to pass overlaytmpfsflags=size=32m.

If I understand this commit correctly, we'd want to set mode=0755 for an overlaytmpfs either way but let the user override it with ovltmpfsflags if they wish.

Also force read-only mount of "lowerdir" root-ro and read-write mount of "upperdir" root-rw, to mitigate user foot gunnery.

(edited to reflect current state)

Edited by omni

Merge request reports
