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community/freerdp{,2}: upgrade to 3.10.0 and new freerdp2 aport

Lindsay Zhou requested to merge lindsay/aports:freerdp-3.9.0 into master

Upgrade together:

  • community/remmina 1.4.35 -> 1.4.36
  • community/gnome-remote-desktop 45.1 -> 47.2

Patch files removed in freerdp-3.10.0-r0

  • all incompatible pointer type error been fixed by upstream.
  • capture module been removed by upstream: FreeRDP a4425d9
  • const correctness error been fixed by FreeRDP 6e3c007

Removed build flag in freerdp3

Reason to squash freerdp and freerdp2 changes into one commit

If I split it to two commit, commit changes will be:

  1. move community/freerdp to community/freerdp2
  2. new community/freerdp aport


  1. upgrade community/freerdp to v3
  2. new community/freerdp2 aport (APKBUILD and all patches from empty).

To show that community/freerdp is upgraded from v2 and community/freerdp2 patches are copied from community/freerdp, I squashed them into one commit.

Edited by Lindsay Zhou

Merge request reports
