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community/uvicorn: upgrade to 0.32.1, skip failed websockets tests

mio requested to merge mio/aports:uvicorn into master

Upstream still uses websocket.legacy and features deprecated in p3-websockets >=14.0. Ignore the deprecation notices and allow 2 tests to xfail until upstream updates to a newer version. Error found during a rebuild on the 3.21 builders (error log).

Example of the error:

    async def test_send_binary_data_to_server_bigger_than_default_on_websockets(
        http_protocol_cls: HTTPProtocol,                                        
        client_size_sent: int,                                                  
        server_size_max: int,
        expected_result: int,
        unused_tcp_port: int,

		async with run_server(config):
            async with websockets.client.connect(f"ws://{unused_tcp_port}", max_size=client_size_sent) as ws:
                await ws.send(b"\x01" * client_size_sent)
                if expected_result == 0:
                    data = await ws.recv()
                    assert data == b"\x01" * client_size_sent
>                   with pytest.raises(websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError):
E                   Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError'>

tests/protocols/ Failed

Failed tests:

test_send_binary_data_to_server_bigger_than_default_on_websockets[httptools-max=defaults sent=defaults+1]
test_send_binary_data_to_server_bigger_than_default_on_websockets[h11-max=defaults sent=defaults+1]


@mpolanski Would like to check whether this might work for you, to unblock the builders.

Edited by mio

Merge request reports
