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community/tpm2-tools: fix missing dependency (tpm2-tss-tcti-device)

W1nst0n requested to merge W1nst0n/aports:community/tpm2-tools into master

follow-up of !61319 (closed)

When installing tpm2-tools, the tpm2_pcrread command fails because of a missing dependency.

root@router ~# tpm2_pcrread
ERROR:tcti:src/tss2-tcti/tctildr.c:477:tctildr_init_context_data() Failed to instantiate TCTI
ERROR: Could not load tcti, got: "(null)"

Adding tpm2-tss-tcti-device fixes it.

root@router ~ [1]# apk add tpm2-tss-tcti-device
(1/1) Installing tpm2-tss-tcti-device (4.1.2-r0)
OK: 393 MiB in 205 packages
root@router ~# tpm2_pcrread

Merge request reports
