community/cyclone: disable on loongarch64
Temporarily disable on loongarch64 due to failing test on the builder.
[1mOfficial tests: [0m..............................
[32m30 out of 30 (100.0%)[39m tests passed in 0.0 seconds.
[1mPredicates: [0m...
[32m3 out of 3 (100.0%)[39m tests passed in 0.0 seconds.
[1mDemo: [0m...
[32m3 out of 3 (100.0%)[39m tests passed in 0.0 seconds.
rm -rf tests/match-tests
icyc -p "(cond-expand (linux (begin (define-syntax foo (syntax-rules () ((foo) 123))) (foo))))"
Error: Unable to open input memory stream: 0
Call history, most recent first:
[1] scheme/base.sld:foldl
[2] icyc.scm:collect-opt-values
[3] scheme/base.sld:not
[4] scheme/base.sld:foldl
[5] icyc.scm:collect-opt-values
[6] scheme/base.sld:foldl
[7] icyc.scm:collect-opt-values
[8] scheme/base.sld:make-string
[9] scheme/cyclone/pretty-print.sld:lib-init:schemecyclonepretty_91print
make: *** [Makefile:57: test] Error 1
>>> ERROR: cyclone: check failed
Edited by mio