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testing/shiori: new aport

mekyt requested to merge mekyt/aports:shiori into master

It is a bookmark manager and can be use as a command line application or as a web application. The default service configuration use a sqlite database locate in /var/lib/shiori/shiori.db.

The README list the following features:

  • Basic bookmarks management i.e. add, edit, delete and search.
  • Import and export bookmarks from and to Netscape Bookmark file.
  • Import bookmarks from Pocket.
  • Simple and clean command line interface.
  • Simple and pretty web interface for those who don't want to use a command line app.
  • Portable, thanks to its single binary format.
  • Support for sqlite3, PostgreSQL and MySQL as its database.
  • Where possible, by default shiori will parse the readable content and create an offline archive of the webpage.
  • [BETA] web extension support for Firefox and Chrome.
Edited by mekyt

Merge request reports
