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Draft: main/mesa: add more recent blake3, arm/aarch64 speedup around 1.3x

David Heidelberg requested to merge dh/aports:mesa-arm-speed-up into master

This is must have for postmarketOS phones with low-end ARM CPUs.

blake3 changelog:

 - ~1% performance improvement on Arm NEON contributed by @divinity76 (#384).
 - Improved performance in the ARM NEON implementation for both C and
Rust callers. This affects AArch64 targets by default and ARMv7
targets that explicitly enable (and support) NEON. The size of the
improvement depends on the microarchitecture, but I've benchmarked
~1.3x on a Cortex-A53 and ~1.2x on an Apple M1. Contributed by
@sdlyyxy in #319.

Upstream MR:

Signed-off-by: David Heidelberg

Merge request reports