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community/hexagonrpcd: upgrade to 0.3.2

Joel Selvaraj requested to merge joelselvaraj/aports:hexagonrpcd-update into master

The hexagonrpcd component is moved to separate repository, so updated the repo URL to reflect that. There is a new argument (-R) that let's us to specify the firmware directory. Introduce a confd file that configures the default firmware directory. There is also a new argument (-d) that specifies the fastrpc device type. I have updated the init.d service files to include them. Hexagonrpcd now has some tests to run, so included that. Hexagonrpcd compiles and works fine without the noshared.patch, so I have removed that. Also, a test case fails in s390x architecture, but since hexagonrpcd is specific to Qualcomm ARM SoC, let's skip it for now (I have notified the author of hexagonrpcd on this issue).

Edited by Joel Selvaraj

Merge request reports
