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testing/openv2g: Make the open-v2g library more versatile

Olliver Schinagl requested to merge oliver/aports:openv2g into master

testing/openv2g: Make the open-v2g library more versatile

The Open-V2G library can be made a little more versatile by enabling more feature, such as XMLDSIG support.

More importantly, the library currently violates the ISO15118 spec by using a home-grown UCS implementation, where everything is treated as 32-bits, e.g. UTF-32, where ISO15118 uses UTF-8 encoding. As this is incompatible, we are better off switching to ASCII for now, a that at least is backwards compatible.

To properly fix this, the library needs toe be fixed to properly by a proper UCS implementation or using a library to this end.

Edited by Olliver Schinagl

Merge request reports
