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community/firefox: security upgrade to 75.0

Rasmus Thomsen requested to merge (removed):firefox into master

Currently doesn't work with our cbindgen version, I'm investigating it now...

b"WARN: Skip wgpu-core::MAX - (not `pub`).\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::EMPTY - (not `pub`).\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::BITS_PER_BYTE - (not `pub`).\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::BIND_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT - (Unhandled const definition)\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::CLEANUP_WAIT_MS - (not `pub`).\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::VARIANT - (not `pub`).\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::VARIANT - (not `pub`).\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::VARIANT - (not `pub`).\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::VARIANT - (not `pub`).\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::BACKEND_BITS - (not `pub`).\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::EPOCH_MASK - (not `pub`).\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::ERROR - (Unhandled const definition)\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::VULKAN - (Unsupported expression. Cast(ExprCast { attrs: [], expr: Path(ExprPath { attrs: [], qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(Backend), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(Vulkan), arguments: None }] } }), as_token: As, ty: Path(TypePath { qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(u32), arguments: None }] } }) }))\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::GL - (Unsupported expression. Cast(ExprCast { attrs: [], expr: Path(ExprPath { attrs: [], qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(Backend), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(Gl), arguments: None }] } }), as_token: As, ty: Path(TypePath { qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(u32), arguments: None }] } }) }))\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::METAL - (Unsupported expression. Cast(ExprCast { attrs: [], expr: Path(ExprPath { attrs: [], qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(Backend), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(Metal), arguments: None }] } }), as_token: As, ty: Path(TypePath { qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(u32), arguments: None }] } }) }))\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::DX12 - (Unsupported expression. Cast(ExprCast { attrs: [], expr: Path(ExprPath { attrs: [], qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(Backend), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(Dx12), arguments: None }] } }), as_token: As, ty: Path(TypePath { qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(u32), arguments: None }] } }) }))\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::DX11 - (Unsupported expression. Cast(ExprCast { attrs: [], expr: Path(ExprPath { attrs: [], qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(Backend), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(Dx11), arguments: None }] } }), as_token: As, ty: Path(TypePath { qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(u32), arguments: None }] } }) }))\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::PRIMARY - (Unsupported expression. Field(ExprField { attrs: [], base: Path(ExprPath { attrs: [], qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(Self), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(VULKAN), arguments: None }] } }), dot_token: Dot, member: Named(Ident(bits)) }))\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::SECONDARY - (Unsupported expression. Field(ExprField { attrs: [], base: Path(ExprPath { attrs: [], qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(Self), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(GL), arguments: None }] } }), dot_token: Dot, member: Named(Ident(bits)) }))\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::REPLACE - (Unsupported path expression. [PathSegment { ident: Ident(BlendFactor), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(One), arguments: None }])\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::IGNORE - (Unsupported path expression. [PathSegment { ident: Ident(resource), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(CompareFunction), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(Always), arguments: None }])\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::READ_ALL - (Unsupported expression. Field(ExprField { attrs: [], base: Path(ExprPath { attrs: [], qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(Self), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(MAP_READ), arguments: None }] } }), dot_token: Dot, member: Named(Ident(bits)) }))\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::WRITE_ALL - (Unsupported expression. Field(ExprField { attrs: [], base: Path(ExprPath { attrs: [], qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(Self), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(MAP_WRITE), arguments: None }] } }), dot_token: Dot, member: Named(Ident(bits)) }))\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::ORDERED - (Unsupported expression. Field(ExprField { attrs: [], base: Path(ExprPath { attrs: [], qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(Self), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(READ_ALL), arguments: None }] } }), dot_token: Dot, member: Named(Ident(bits)) }))\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::READ_ALL - (Unsupported expression. Field(ExprField { attrs: [], base: Path(ExprPath { attrs: [], qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(Self), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(COPY_SRC), arguments: None }] } }), dot_token: Dot, member: Named(Ident(bits)) }))\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::WRITE_ALL - (Unsupported expression. Field(ExprField { attrs: [], base: Path(ExprPath { attrs: [], qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(Self), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(COPY_DST), arguments: None }] } }), dot_token: Dot, member: Named(Ident(bits)) }))\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::ORDERED - (Unsupported expression. Field(ExprField { attrs: [], base: Path(ExprPath { attrs: [], qself: None, path: Path { leading_colon: None, segments: [PathSegment { ident: Ident(Self), arguments: None }, Colon2, PathSegment { ident: Ident(READ_ALL), arguments: None }] } }), dot_token: Dot, member: Named(Ident(bits)) }))\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::FRAME_TIMEOUT_MS - (not `pub`).\nWARN: Skip wgpu-core::DUMMY_SELECTOR - (Cannot have a zero sized const definition.)\nthread 'main' panicked at 'Unable to mangle generic parameter Ptr(Primitive(UInt8)) for 'Result'', src/bindgen/\nnote: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace\n"
make[3]: *** [ .deps/wgpu_ffi_generated.h.stub] Error 101
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/builder/aports/community/firefox/src/firefox-7
Edited by Rasmus Thomsen

Merge request reports