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community/perl-image-exiftool: upgrade to 12.76

Krassy Boykinov requested to merge chereskata/aports:perl-image-exiftool into master

Jan. 31, 2024 - Version 12.76 (production release)

    Properly implement patch of 12.45 to avoid duplicating raw data when writing Sony ARW images where the raw data is double-referenced as both strips and tiles
    Improved handling of bad offsets in HtmlDump output 

Jan. 30, 2024 - Version 12.75 (production release)

    CORRUPTION WARNING: Fixed bug introduced in 12.45 which could result in corrupted Sony ARW images from some newer models when rewriting lossless compressed ARW images which were previously edited by 12.44 or earlier (the corruption is repairable, but requires a special version of ExifTool)
    Added ability to read C2PA JUMBF metadata from PDF and SVG files
    Added ability to extract JUMBF metadata as a block
    Added read support for C2PA (JUMBF-format) files
    Removed "date before 1970" warning entirely since 64-bit systems should be able to handle dates in this range
    Improved Canon FocusMode decoding
    Fixed bug introducd in 12.74 which could cause "Undefined subroutine" runtime error when reading MIE files 

Jan. 23, 2024 - Version 12.74

    Added a couple of new Nikon lenses (thanks Chris)
    Added write support for a few new QuickTime Keys tags
    Decode ShutterCount for Canon EOS R5 (thanks John Moyer)
    Improved error messages in the case of file read errors
    Enhanced tag name strings (eg. -if and -p option arguments) to allow values of multiple matching tags to be concatenated when a group name of "All" is specified
    Enhanced -p option to add -p- feature which avoids adding trailing newline
    Changed warning from "Shift results in negative time" to "Shift results in date before 1970"
    Patched calculation of GPSDateTime for the timed metadata in Track3 of Garmin videos so the API QuickTimeUTC option is no longer required
    Fixed conversion error when writing QuickTime:GoogleTrackDuration
    Fixed misidentification of non-TIFF-format files containing DNGVersion tag
    Fixed bug where Avoid-ed XMP structures could be created when writing another same-named structure
    Internal Changes:
        Changed form of all new() calls to accommodate backward incompatibilities in recent versions of Perl
        Changed order of InsertTagValues() arguments
        DateFmt() now returns value of formatted date/time string 

Jan. 10, 2024 - Version 12.73

    Added write support for Leica XMP-xmpDSA tags
    Added read support for timed GPS from Yada RoadCam Pro 4K dashcam videos
    Added read support for PNG cpIp chunk
    Added range checks on lat/long values when writing QuickTime:GPSCoordinates
    Decode a number of new values for Ricoh GR III tags
    Decode a new Leica tag
    Improved handling of Brotli compression errors
    Enhanced API NoWarning option to also apply to app "Warning:" outputs
    Identify PNG Plus files
    Changed name of Pentax ISOAutoParameters to ISOAutoMinSpeed and improved decoding
    Fixed writing of date/time tags in XMP-xmpMM:Pantry structure
    API Changes:
        Added LimitLongValues option to provide control over tags which previously had a hard-coded length limit 

Dec. 29, 2023 - Version 12.72

    Added read support for AAC audio files
    Added a new QuickTime Keys Android tag
    Added a number of new values for some Ricoh GR III tags
    Decode timed metadata from Intsa360 Ace Pro MP4 videos
    Decode GPSDateTime milliseconds in timed Insta360 metadata
    Decode timed metadata from INNOV K5 TS videos
    Decode a number of new GoPro timed-metadata tags
    Decode a few new Xiaomi EXIF tags
    Fixed writing of JPG/ARW images from some newer Sony models to preserve HiddenData 

Dec. 21, 2023 - Version 12.71

    Added a warning if there was an error reading an alternate file with the -fileNUM option
    Added the ability to write QuickTime Keys:Encoder
    Added a few new Canon LensType values (thanks Norbert Wasser)
    Added a new, obscure EXIF tag (thanks Neal Krawetz)
    Decode real-time metadata from Ricoh Theta videos
    Decode SpecularWhiteLevel for more Canon models (github #232)
    Decode Canon DualPixelRaw tag (thanks John Moyer)
    Decode a few new Nikon tags (thanks Warren Hatch)
    Decode more FujiFilm M-RAW tags (thanks Greybeard)
    Improved generation of tag names for some JSON tag ID's containing colons
    Fixed "Undefined subroutine" error when writing makernotes as a block
    Fixed missing ID in family 7 group name for ID3 tags which are not valid for the specified ID3 version
    Fixed bug where some tags from alternate files (with the -fileNUM option) could show up as "not defined" when used in expressions even though they did exist
    API Changes:
        Added NoMandatory option 

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