testing/blocky: add openrc subpackage
I've extended the blocky package with an openrc subpackage. To my understanding (I just started using Alpine a few days ago) this should create an optional subpackage blocky-openrc to provide the added files, leaving the original blocky apk unchanged. The service is running as blocky:blocky with net_bind_service capabilities to claim port 53.
In the second commit I've added a default configuration file for this openrc service taken from the documentation, although I'm not sure if this is a) wanted and b) allowed due to connection to third party servers by default when starting the service. I have my own config, but new users might benefit from a provided minimal config.
I see one issue/possible improvement to these changes: /var/log/blocky is owned by root:root and thus can not be used to store logs from the blocky service. If this could be changed, I guess the base blocky apk should set those permission, as it creates the folder, which then brings to issue that the user and group are only created in the subpackage. Open for ideas here.