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testing/lighthouse: upgrade to 4.4.1

Krassy Boykinov requested to merge chereskata/aports:lighthouse into master
Release v4.4.1 (#4690)
    Remove double-locking deadlock from HTTP API (#4687)

Release v4.4.0 (#4673)
    Pin foundry toolchain version to fix stuck CI jobs
    feat: add chiado (#4530)
    Fix bug in block root storage (#4663)
    Add Holesky (#4653)
    Increase web3signer_tests timeouts (#4662)
    Show --gui flag in help text (#4660)
    Do not log slot clock error prior to genesis (#4657)
    Send success code for duplicate blocks on HTTP (#4655)
    update dependencies (#4639)
    rust 1.72 lints (#4659)
    Use lockfile with cross and fix audit fail (#4656)
    Revive mplex (#4619)
    Implement expected withdrawals endpoint (#4390)
    Remove Antithesis docker build workflow (#4642)
    Fix the link of anvil in lighthouse book (#4641)
    Fix beacon-processor-max-workers (#4636)
    ForkChoice: remove an impossible case for parent_checkpoints (#4626)
    Remove checkpoint alignment requirements and enable historic state pruning (#4610)
    Fix Prefer Builder Flag (#4622)
    Update blst to 0.3.11 (#4624)
    add metrics::VALIDATOR_DUTIES_SYNC_HTTP_POST for post_validator_duties_sync (#4617)
    attester_duties: remove unnecessary case (#4614)
    Don't kill SSE stream if channel fills up (#4500)
    Fix disable backfill flag not working correctly (#4615)
    Improve HTTP API error messages + tweaks (#4595)
    ForkChoice: remove head_block_root field (#4590)
    opt maybe_update_best_child_and_descendant: remove an impossible case (#4583)
    Use the native concurrency property to cancel workflows (#4572)
    Fix bug of init_from_beacon_node (#4613)
    use account_manager::CMD instead of magic string (#4612)
    remove optional_eth2_network_config (#4611)
    minor optimize process_active_validator: avoid a call to state.get_validator (#4608)
    align editorconfig with rustfmt (#4600)
    Fix some typos (#4565)
    Improve transport connection errors (#4540)
    Use BeaconProcessor for API requests (#4462)
    Add validator-manager (#3502)
    Increase slashing protection test SQL timeout to 500ms (#4574)
    Support SSZ request body for POST /beacon/blinded_blocks endpoints (v1 & v2) (#4504)
    Update doppelganger note about sync committee contributions (#4425)
    Shift networking configuration (#4426)
    CommitteeCache.get_all_beacon_committees: set correct capacity to avoid realloc (#4557)
    CommitteeCache.initialized: fail early if possible (#4556)
    fix typo (#4555)
    upgrade to libp2p 0.52 (#4431)
    Deprecate exchangeTransitionConfiguration functionality (#4517)
    Update Lighthouse book FAQ (#4510)
    add ssz support in request body for /beacon/blocks endpoints (v1 & v2) (#4479)
    Development feature flag - Disable backfill (#4537)
    Add Eth Version Header (#4528)
    Fix incorrect ideal rewards calculation (#4520)
    Fix bug in lcli transition-blocks and improve pretty-ssz (#4513)
    Restore upstream arbitrary (#4372)
    Implement liveness BeaconAPI (#4343)
    Add self-hosted runners v2 (#4506)
    Phase 0 attestation rewards via Beacon API (#4474)
    Cleanup unreachable code in lcli::generate_bootnode_enr and some tests (#4485)
    Speed up CI by installing foundry with Github action (#4505)
    Rust 1.71 lints (#4503)
    CI fix: add retries to eth1 sim tests (#4501)
    Clean up local testnet files without prompting (#4498)
    Remove wget dependency (#4497)
    Update mev-rs and remove patches (#4496)
    Remove instances of required arguments with default values (#4489)
    Use unique arg names for eth1-sim (#4463)
    Fix HTTP state API bug and add --epochs-per-migration (#4236)
    bump proc-macro2 (#4464)
    Remove hidden re-exports to appease Rust 1.73 (#4495)
    Add state-root command and network support to lcli (#4492)
    Move the BeaconProcessor into a new crate (#4435)
    Bump default checkpoint sync timeout to 3 minutes (#4466)
    Correct checks for backfill completeness (#4465)

Merge request reports