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[3.18] community/dar: upgrade to 2.7.11

Simon Rupf requested to merge elrido/aports:3.18-dar-2.7.11 into 3.18-stable

This backport is warranted as we distribute 2.7.9 in alpine 3.18 and it contains a bug preventing archive restoration under certain conditions:

as reported on dar-support mailing-list, releases 2.7.9 to 2.7.11 suffer from a bug that avoids one to restore files that have been saved with binary delta (aka binary patch) based on a previous version also saved as a binary delta.

In other words, you can rely on binary delta for differential backup (= using a full backup as reference). But if the reference backup is an incremental or differential backup using binary delta, dar may fail to restore some files in their latest state.



Merge request reports