{main,community,testing}/*: use None buildtype for CMake and plain buildtype for Meson
We previously used the 'RelWithDebInfo' or 'Release' buildtype for CMake and the 'debugoptimized' or 'release' buildtype for Meson. These add their own C{,PP,XX}FLAGS, which we don't want - we want control over what C{,PP,XX}FLAGS are used so we can set them ourselves. There are significant size differences between the different buildtypes, to quote https://lists.alpinelinux.org/~alpine/devel/%3C2896c13070c508a49cbaa72c8fb7f34ea947358b.camel%40cogitri.dev%3E :
To make the impact of this clear, here's a comparison between CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo and CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None for attica:
attica-5.67.0-r0 installed size: 823296
attica-5.67.0-r1 installed size: 823296
attica-5.67.0-r2 installed size: 589824
-r0 is compiled with RelWithDebInfo and the flags the builders use, -r1 is compiled with None and CFLAGS set to -O2 in abuild.conf and -r2 is compile with None and the default flags of abuild (-Os -fomit-frame- pointer).
Similiar (although not as drastic, but maybe that's just on libtracker vs attica) differences can be seen with meson (using the same flags as above):
libtracker-2.3.2-r0 installed size: 5718016
libtracker-2.3.2-r1 installed size: 5713920
libtracker-2.3.2-r2 installed size: 4911104