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community/ntpsec: fix init script and default config file

Hoang Nguyen requested to merge folliehiyuki/aports:ntpsec-fix into master

Fixing some issues I didn't realize earlier 😞

ntpd[20453]: statistics directory /var/NTP/ does not exist or is unwriteable, error
  • The daemon needs to be started as root before dropping to ntp user or else it will fail.
  • nopeer option seems to be deprecated, according to the man page:
               Deny packets which would result in mobilizing a new
               association; this includes symmetric active packets when a
               configured association does not exist. That used to happen when
               the remote client used the peer command in its config file. We
               don’t support that mode. It used to include pool servers, but
               they now poke a hole in any restrictions.

It is ignored when the daemon is started:

ntpd[20453]: CONFIG: readconfig: parsing file: /etc/ntp.conf
ntpd[20453]: CONFIG: restrict nopeer ignored
ntpd[20453]: CONFIG: restrict nopeer ignored

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