Draft: testing/yuzu: new aport
Merge request reports
added aports:add label
added 1544 commits
92001f94...06a53c6c - 1534 commits from branch
- f9092991 - testing/cpp-jwt: new aport
- d9596a18 - testing/cubeb: new aport
- 33018e79 - testing/discord-rpc: new aport
- 8ea76981 - testing/dynarmic: new aport
- 7100fd7d - testing/httplib: new aport
- 37b9b7e5 - testing/sirit: new aport
- 9675bdce - testing/xbyak: new aport
- 75e1cf0d - testing/yuzu: new aport
- be2a3564 - testing/zycore-c: new aport
- a6862b62 - testing/zydis: new aport
Toggle commit list-
92001f94...06a53c6c - 1534 commits from branch
- Resolved by Antoni Aloy Torrens
pretty much nothing here makes sense to unbundle (except mbedtls), as the projects use specific versions of them and practically nothing uses them at the same time, so all it does is increase the install size and build time and complexity of maintenance
- Resolved by Antoni Aloy Torrens
- Resolved by Antoni Aloy Torrens
- Resolved by Antoni Aloy Torrens
added 10 commits
- 252664fb - testing/cpp-jwt: new aport
- aa7865b8 - testing/cubeb: new aport
- 06a5f78a - testing/discord-rpc: new aport
- 165beb74 - testing/dynarmic: new aport
- c0384e05 - testing/httplib: new aport
- a5cb51e8 - testing/sirit: new aport
- 6b00f539 - testing/xbyak: new aport
- 5920f5ee - testing/yuzu: new aport
- 84f0d99b - testing/zycore-c: new aport
- 58465f48 - testing/zydis: new aport
Toggle commit list- testing/yuzu/APKBUILD 0 → 100644
7 pkgname=yuzu 8 pkgver=0.0_git20221030 9 pkgrel=0 10 _commit="e09756b2dfe58d14572537bc94c37bdc664c5346" 11 _httplib="305a7abcb9b4e9e349843c6d563212e6c1bbbf21" 12 _cppjwt="e12ef06218596b52d9b5d6e1639484866a8e7067" 13 _cubeb="75d9d125ee655ef80f3bfcd97ae5a805931042b8" 14 _discordrpc="20cc99aeffa08a4834f156b6ab49ed68618cf94a" 15 _dynarmic="2d4602a6516c67d547000d4c80bcc5f74976abdd" 16 _enet="39a72ab1990014eb399cee9d538fd529df99c6a0" 17 _inih="1e80a47dffbda813604f0913e2ad68c7054c14e4" 18 _sirit="aa292d56650bc28f2b2d75973fab2e61d0136f9c" 19 _xbyak="c306b8e5786eeeb87b8925a8af5c3bf057ff5a90" 20 21 # for cubeb 22 _sanitizerscmake="aab6948fa863bc1cbe5d0850bc46b9ef02ed4c1a" - testing/yuzu/APKBUILD 0 → 100644
56 zstd-dev 57 " 58 checkdepends="catch2" 59 source=" 60 $pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu-mainline/archive/$_commit.tar.gz 61 sanitizers-cmake-$_sanitizerscmake.tar.gz::https://github.com/arsenm/sanitizers-cmake/archive/$_sanitizerscmake.tar.gz 62 httplib-$_httplib.tar.gz::https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-httplib/archive/$_httplib.tar.gz 63 cpp-jwt-$_cppjwt.tar.gz::https://github.com/arun11299/cpp-jwt/archive/$_cppjwt.tar.gz 64 cubeb-$_cubeb.tar.gz::https://github.com/mozilla/cubeb/archive/$_cubeb.tar.gz 65 discord-rpc-$_discordrpc.tar.gz::https://github.com/yuzu-emu/discord-rpc/archive/$_discordrpc.tar.gz 66 dynarmic-$_dynarmic.tar.gz::https://github.com/merryhime/dynarmic/archive/$_dynarmic.tar.gz 67 enet-$_enet.tar.gz::https://github.com/lsalzman/enet/archive/$_enet.tar.gz 68 inih-$_inih.tar.gz::https://github.com/benhoyt/inih/archive/$_inih.tar.gz 69 sirit-$_sirit.tar.gz::https://github.com/ReinUsesLisp/sirit/archive/$_sirit.tar.gz 70 xbyak-$_xbyak.tar.gz::https://github.com/herumi/xbyak/archive/$_xbyak.tar.gz 71 compatibility_list.json - testing/yuzu/APKBUILD 0 → 100644
4 # compatibility_list.json can be picked from https://api.yuzu-emu.org/gamedb 5 # When increasing pkgver or pkgrel, always update it to the latest version 6 7 pkgname=yuzu 8 pkgver=0.0_git20221030 9 pkgrel=0 10 _commit="e09756b2dfe58d14572537bc94c37bdc664c5346" 11 _httplib="305a7abcb9b4e9e349843c6d563212e6c1bbbf21" 12 _cppjwt="e12ef06218596b52d9b5d6e1639484866a8e7067" 13 _cubeb="75d9d125ee655ef80f3bfcd97ae5a805931042b8" 14 _discordrpc="20cc99aeffa08a4834f156b6ab49ed68618cf94a" 15 _dynarmic="2d4602a6516c67d547000d4c80bcc5f74976abdd" 16 _enet="39a72ab1990014eb399cee9d538fd529df99c6a0" 17 _inih="1e80a47dffbda813604f0913e2ad68c7054c14e4" 18 _sirit="aa292d56650bc28f2b2d75973fab2e61d0136f9c" 19 _xbyak="c306b8e5786eeeb87b8925a8af5c3bf057ff5a90" This will be a maintenance hell. Please contact yuzu’s developers and ask them to include all submodules in their source tarball. They already provide a custom source tarball (e.g. yuzu-linux-20221101-4a9fe56f0-source.tar.xz in https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu-mainline/releases/tag/mainline-0-1220), so I quite don’t understand why it’s incomplete.
that's what i do, yeah. takes me about a minute or two to go through a quick visual sha match against the existing list. it would be 0 seconds if they provided a full tarball, of course, so that is preferred, but it is what it is.
in this case, they already generate the release tarballs, so it wouldn't be "much" of a change to do that, so indeed it should be asked for for convenience :)
in this case, they already generate the release tarballs, so it wouldn't be "much" of a change to do that, so indeed it should be asked for for convenience :)
Yes, I was planning to ask this question to yuzu developers. If there's no other choice, the package would be upgraded every once in a while and checking for submodule revisions (as they don't offer any "fixed" release, they follow the mainline branching model).
Apparently, they previously bundled all the external dependencies in Yuzu until https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu/pull/8686 .
ah, and i missed inih was here, that can also be devendored since we have it
Will do
Edited by Antoni Aloy Torrens
Does this actually work? I had a shot at this package earlier (see PureTryOut/aports@4d4461fd) and although it launched, any game just launched into a black screen. I've been resorting to the Flatpak since. Does this actually boot any games?