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community/py3-pydantic: upgrade to 1.9.1

Patrycja Rosa requested to merge ptrcnull/aports:py3-pydantic into master

despite being a patch release, they rewrote stuff to use native modules instead.....??? nevermind i had cython installed

- drop python3.6 support (#3605)
- CentOS 7: `read_text(encoding='utf-8')` (#3625)
- fix: clarify that discriminated unions do not support
- Prevent subclasses of bytes being converted to bytes
- Fix pytest crashes with hypothesis and pydantic (#3727)
- Remove incorrect comment about lazy evaluation of
- fix: `Config.copy_on_model_validation` does a deep copy
- test pyright with pydantic (#3972)
- Fix regression in handling of nested dataclasses in
- Fix issue with self-referencing dataclass (#3713)
- guard against ClassVar in fields (#4064)
- Fix issue with in-place modification of FieldInfo
- Fix JSON Schema generation for Discriminated Unions
- fix: `error checking inheritance` when using PEP585 and
- fix ClassVars, better fix for #3679 (#4077)
- Fix missing port in result (#3652)
- speedup __instancecheck__ check on BaseModel when they
- Adds `dataclass_transform` to dataclass (#4007)
- limit the length of
- revert removing python 3.6, #3605
- revert packages to support 3.6
- user newer twine
- fix typing tests with 3.6
- make #4083 compatible with py3.6
- generate history from changes, uprev
Edited by Patrycja Rosa

Merge request reports