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Draft: community/loudmouth: rebuild without asyncns

rubicon requested to merge rubicon/aports:rubicon-master-patch-52246 into master

Disabling asyncns seems to fix segfaults in mcabber and irssi-xmpp, probably caused by how loudmouth uses asyncns (very likely due to not applying the macro #define freeaddrinfo(x) asyncns_freeaddrinfo(x) in lm-resolver.c).

This should be the same issue as what OpenSMTPD encountered a few years ago, as documented here:

In short: libasyncns creates its own addrinfo struct, which is similar in implementation to the addrinfo of most other libc's, with musl being the exception. So, trying to free an addrinfo struct from libasyncns with other libc's freeaddrinfo() function does not result in a segfault, while trying to do the same with musl's freeaddrinfo() does.

Edited by rubicon

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