The source project of this merge request has been removed.
testing/{libsigrokdecode,pulseview}: rebuild against boost/python3.10
Merge request reports
Filter activity
assigned to @maribu
added 76 commits
c707f2ca...32a33085 - 74 commits from branch
- 1bd6dc6e - testing/libsigrokdecode: rebuild against python3.10
- 57fa7420 - testing/pulseview: rebuild against boost1.77
c707f2ca...32a33085 - 74 commits from branch
mentioned in issue #13335 (closed)
added status:mr-waiting-maintainer-feedback label
added 326 commits
57fa7420...396a57da - 324 commits from branch
- 002c58e7 - testing/libsigrokdecode: rebuild against python3.10
- 725a2f6f - testing/pulseview: rebuild against boost1.77
57fa7420...396a57da - 324 commits from branch
@kdaudt this is approved by the maintainer
removed status:mr-waiting-maintainer-feedback label
added 153 commits
725a2f6f...1fc4e99a - 151 commits from branch
- 516e1215 - testing/libsigrokdecode: rebuild against python3.10
- b6d649d0 - testing/pulseview: rebuild against boost1.77
725a2f6f...1fc4e99a - 151 commits from branch
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for b6d649d0 succeeds
added 7 commits
b6d649d0...d1451f6b - 5 commits from branch
- 42e61136 - testing/libsigrokdecode: rebuild against python3.10
- dd39bbb0 - testing/pulseview: rebuild against boost1.77
b6d649d0...d1451f6b - 5 commits from branch
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