Steam Input can't manage /dev/uinput
Hey there,
I'm investigating why we got problems with Steam Inputs for some games. Sometime it works when the game fully support Steam Input API (ex: Portal 2), but I think most of the time Steam fallback to emulating the controller itself (doing its remapping at the same time).
My subject game atm is Monster Hunter Rise, and I am using the Nintendo Switch Controller Pro, over bluetooth (mainline linux hid drivers).
Out of the box, it doesn't works, I got no input at all in the game, even if I can browse the Steam menus with the controller.
But, If I run this before starting Steam doas /bin/chmod 666 /dev/uinput
, then everything works! My controller inputs are recognised, and I can rebind keys with Steam.
Now I'd like to know how to fix this permanently, how we can set a correct group to /dev/uinput
(ex: input