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acf-weblog-update-schema 4.26 KiB
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runsql() {
	local cmd="$1"
	psql -U $DBUSER --dbname=$DB --no-align --tuples-only -c "$cmd" $psql_args

# check if table exists or not
# based on
has_table() {
	local tbl="$1"
	local res=$(runsql "
		SELECT count(relname) FROM pg_class
		WHERE relname = '$tbl'")
	test $res -ge 1

# test if column exist in given table
# based on
has_column() {
	local tbl=$1 col=$2
	local res=$(runsql "
	SELECT count(attname) FROM pg_attribute
	WHERE attrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '$tbl')
	AND attname = '$col';")
	test $res -ge 1

# add column if its missing
check_column() {
	local tbl="$1" col="$2" datatype="$3"
	echo -n "Checking column '$col' in table '$tbl' ... "
	if has_column "$tbl" "$col"; then
		echo "Ok"
		runsql "ALTER TABLE $tbl ADD COLUMN $col $datatype"

# get data type for column
# based on
get_data_type() {
	local tbl="$1" col="$2"
	runsql "SELECT data_type FROM information_schema.columns
		WHERE table_name = '$tbl' AND column_name = '$col'"

# get data precision for column
get_data_precision() {
	local tbl="$1" col="$2" datatype="$3"
	runsql "SELECT ${datatype}_precision FROM information_schema.columns
		WHERE table_name = '$tbl' AND column_name = '$col'"

check_column_timestamp() {
	local tbl="$1" col="$2"
	local precision=3
	echo -n "Checking column '$col' in table '$tbl' ... "
	if [ "$(get_data_type $tbl $col)" = "timestamp without time zone" ] \
		&& [ "$(get_data_precision $tbl $col datetime)" = "$precision" ]; then
		echo "Ok"
		runsql "ALTER TABLE $tbl ALTER $col
			TYPE timestamp($precision) without time zone"

check_column_type() {
	local tbl="$1" col="$2" datatype="$3"
	echo -n "Checking column '$col' in table '$tbl' ... "
	if [ "$(get_data_type $tbl $col)" = "$datatype" ]; then
		echo "Ok"
		runsql "ALTER TABLE $tbl ALTER $col TYPE $datatype"

drop_table() {
	local tbl="$1"
	echo -n  "Dropping table '$tbl' ... "
	runsql "DROP TABLE $tbl"

# for older than 0.4.0
check_column weblog shortreason text
check_column pubweblog shortreason text
check_column pubblocklog shortreason text
check_column blocklog shortreason text

# for older than 0.4.5
check_column_timestamp dbhistlog logdatetime

# for older than 0.5.4
check_column_type weblog bytes bigint
check_column_type pubweblog bytes bigint
check_column_type blocklog bytes bigint
check_column_type pubblocklog bytes bigint

# for older than 0.6.0
check_column pubweblog badyesno int
check_column pubweblog deniedyesno int
check_column pubweblog bypassyesno int
check_column pubweblog wordloc text
check_column pubweblog goodwordloc text
check_column pubweblog selected boolean
check_column pubweblog id "SERIAL PRIMARY KEY"

if has_table pubblocklog; then
	echo -n "Importing pubblocklog ... "
	runsql "INSERT INTO pubweblog SELECT *,'0','1','0','','','false'
		FROM pubblocklog"
	drop_table "pubblocklog"

if has_table blocklog; then
	echo -n "Importing blocklog ... "
	runsql "INSERT INTO pubweblog SELECT *,'0','1','0','','','false'
		FROM blocklog"
	drop_table blocklog

# we dont import this
if has_table watchlist; then
	drop_table watchlist

if ! has_column weblog badyesno; then
	echo -n "Importing weblog ..."
	runsql "INSERT INTO pubweblog SELECT *,'0','0','0','','','false'
		FROM weblog"
check_column weblog badyesno int
check_column weblog deniedyesno int
check_column weblog bypassyesno int
check_column weblog wordloc text
check_column weblog goodwordloc text

if ! has_table pubweblog_history; then
	echo -n "Creating table 'pubweblog_history' ... "
	runsql "
	CREATE TABLE pubweblog_history(
		sourcename character varying(40),
		clientip inet NOT NULL,
		clientuserid character varying(64) NOT NULL,
		logdatetime timestamp(3) without time zone NOT NULL,
		uri text NOT NULL,
		bytes bigint NOT NULL,
		reason text,
		score integer,
		shortreason text,
		badyesno int,
		deniedyesno int,
		bypassyesno int,
		wordloc text,
		goodwordloc text,
		selected boolean,
		id int)"
	echo -n "Setting permissions on pubweblog_history ... "
	runsql "GRANT SELECT ON pubweblog_history TO webloguser"