Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 3.15-stable
- 3.18-community_kde-release-service
- 3.21-netavark
- 3.21-qt
- community_buho
- community_catch2
- community_kde-applications
- community_ki18n
- community_laszip
- community_mkcal
- community_nemo-qml-plugin-calendar
- community_openxr
- community_pipewire-openrc-user
- community_plasma
- community_plasma-desktop
- community_poco
- community_py-spsdk
- community_py3-cmudict
- community_py3-importlib-metadata
- community_py3-lmdb
- Tags 20
- v3.10.2
- v20190809
- v3.10.1
- v20190707
- v3.10.0
- v3.10.0_rc7
- v3.10.0_rc6
- v3.10.0_rc5
- v3.10.0_rc4
- v3.10.0_rc3
- v3.10.0_rc2
- v3.10.0_rc1
- v3.9.4
- v20190508
- v3.9.3
- v20190408
- v3.6.5
- v3.7.3
- v3.8.4
- v3.6.4
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