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  • Winston Weinert's avatar
    testing/hw-probe: add missing dependency on xz · cc85e9d0
    Winston Weinert authored and Leo's avatar Leo committed
    When xz is missing the following error occurs:
    / # hw-probe -probe -upload
    WARNING: 'edid-decode' package is not installed
    Probe for hardware ... Ok
    BusyBox v1.31.1 () multi-call binary.
    Usage: xz -d [-cfk] [FILE]...
    Decompress FILE (or stdin)
            -d      Decompress
            -c      Write to stdout
            -f      Force
            -k      Keep input files
    tar: write error: Broken pipe
    ERROR: unsupported probe format '/tmp/phpfDOZvo'
    tar: This does not look like a tar archive
    tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
    ERROR: not enough info collected
    ERROR: failed to upload probe
    Also fixes the following lint issues:
    - MC:[AL1]:APKBUILD:16:builddir can be removed as it is the default value
    - TP:[AL3]:APKBUILD:3:pkgname must not be quoted