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Sertonix / atools-go
MIT LicenseAPKBUILD linter that parses APKBUILD files to provide fast and accurate checks
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J. Neuschäfer / alpine-gitlab-ci
MIT LicenseDocker image to verify APKBUILDs by building them
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achill (fossdd) / alpine-gitlab-ci
MIT LicenseDocker image to verify APKBUILDs by building them
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Meng Zhuo / atools-go
MIT LicenseAPKBUILD linter that parses APKBUILD files to provide fast and accurate checks
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Marian Buschsieweke / atools-go
MIT LicenseProof of concept atools APKBUILD linter rewritten in Go
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alpine / infra / vanity-go
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Luca Weiss / aports-qa-bot
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -