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  • Alex Xu (Hello71)'s avatar
    move packages disabled since 3.13 to unmaintained · 6dc6e7f5
    Alex Xu (Hello71) authored
    if nobody fixed build (let alone run) in 6 months, they are de facto
    also move emscripten-fastcomp since it is only used for emscripten
    according to APKBUILD comments.
    roughly based on this script:
    git checkout v3.13.0
    grep -l 'arch=""' */*/APKBUILD > 3.13
    git checkout master
    grep -l 'arch=""' */*/APKBUILD > master
    comm -12 3.13 master | cut -d / -f 1-2 | xargs -I{} git mv {} unmaintained/
    closes #10402, #10995.