Serial ports are automatically added to /etc/inittab
I was trying to use Alpine linux (instead of Raspbian) on an embedded system with serial ports (UARTs). I want to use the built in serial ports for communicating with another system.
If I enable a serial port on the Raspberry Pi the following lines are automatically added to to the end of /etc/inittab
# enable login on alternative console
ttyAMA2::respawn:/sbin/getty -L 0 ttyAMA2 vt100
Whatever I do, these lines are added. If I comment them out, they are just added again. This makes Alpine Linux completely useless for embedded systems that use these serial ports for communication.
Generally I think it is a bad idea that the system is randomly altering configuration files and prevent the user from correcting it as well, except in the cases it is generated configuration files.
Some suggested to have an command line option to enable or disable this functionality.