'ip: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device' after changing to virt
Created by: IanS94
Hi all,
We've started seeing the error in the title on instances stood up with the latest image. We do add in python3, pip and AWSCLI to the image make, along with gcc and some basis build libs although wouldn't imagine these being an issue for the interface name 'eth0' not being found
Is there anything you're aware of that could cause this, tried it with NIC attachment and inline with terraform to check if the interface was up at launch time (doesn't make sense but trying anything) and both have the same result.
Found this which kind of explains what it means, just not sure whats missing https://www.artwork.com/support/flexlm/ioctl_failed_error.htm
If it makes any difference, this is on a C5.large instance type, so will be making use of the SRVIO and ENA
Thanks in advance