Policy for commits in aports ============================ This document defines policy for organizing and titling commits for inclusion in aports. Glossary --------- Definition used for the following terms. ##### Repository Where the aport resides, it is the penultimate repository in the path of the aport. Example: `main/foo/APKBUILD`, `main` is the repository ##### Aport Directory inside the repository that contains a build recipe with metadata (APKBUILD) and auxiliary files. The name of the directory and the value of the variable `pkgname` in the build recipe **must** match. Example: `main/foo/APKBUILD`, `foo` is the aport ##### Commits Set of changes to files as recorded by git with other metadata like title, message and an autogenerated ID. ##### Merge Request Proposal of a set of commits to be merged into a branch of a repository. This is what maintainers review, and what Continous Integration checks to guarantee it won't break anything. In Alpine Linux' aports terms this is commonly the `master` branch of the repo. Other branches like `3.X-stable` are used to push to released versions. Organizing ---------- Commits should be split by function and what aport they change, one commit per aport changed, and one commit per type of change. Commits that are related to the same aport or are closely related must be under the same Merge Request. Exceptions to these organization rules may apply depending on the situation, as noted below. Commit types ------------ Different sets of changes in a commit award a different type that has a distinct template, rules and exceptions to follow when organizing and titling. --- ### Upgrade Increases the value of `pkgver`, and sets the value of `pkgrel` to 0. ###### Template - `$repository/$pkgname: upgrade to $pkgver` Example: `main/foo: upgrade to 2.0.0` ###### Rules One commit per upgraded aport. ###### Exceptions Upgrading lots of aports that are maintained upstream in lockstep (same version and released at the same time) can be all in the same commit Example: KDE Plasma Framework --- ### Downgrade Decreases the value of `pkgver`, and increases the value of `pkgrel` by 1 in relation to the value of `pkgrel` before the last upgrade. ###### Template - `$repository/$pkgname: downgrade to $pkgver` Example: `main/foo: downgrade to 1.9.8` ###### Rules One commit per downgraded aport. --- ### Move Moves an aport from one repository to another. ###### Template - `$newrepository/$pkgname: move from $oldrepository` Example: `community/foo: move from main` ###### Rules One commit per moved aport. --- ### Rename Renames an aport. ###### Template - `$repository/$newpkgname: rename from $oldpkgname` Example: `community/bar: rename from foo` ###### Rules One commit per renamed aport. --- ### Add Introduces a new aport. ###### Template - `$repository/$pkgname: new aport` Example: `testing/bar: new aport` ###### Rules One commit per aport introduced. --- ### Remove Removes an aport from aports altogether. #### Template - `$repository/$pkgname: remove` Example: `community/baz: remove` #### Rules One commit per removed aport. --- ### Rebuilds Only increasing the value of `pkgrel` by 1. #### Template - `$repository/$pkgname: rebuild <reason-if-exists>` Example: `community/foo: rebuild` #### Rules One commit per rebuilt aport. #### Exceptions When various aports need to be rebuilt for the same reason the commit can hold all `Rebuilds` but split instead by by repository. Example: `community/*: rebuild for so:libfoo.so.2` <!-- Missing improvements Also missing tree-wide changes like usage of abuild-meson instead of meson --> --- ### Other Any set of changes not specified above falls under this type. #### Template If the commit changes an aport: - `$repository/$pkgname: <action>` If the commit changes anything else in the repository: - `$directory_or_file: <action>` - If the file is inside a directory use the directory, if inside a file use the name of the file `<action>` is what is the commit is doing. Be **short** and **direct**. Examples: - `main/foo: fix policy violations` - `scripts/: enable compilation under mips64el` #### Rules It is **essential** to include reasoning for the changes in the body of the commit. Universal Title writing rules ----------------------------- Applies to all commits, regardless of type. ### Imperative, Present Tense Use the Present Tense and the Imperative mood Examples: - `main/foo: remove stale patches` - `community/bar: patch CVE-YYYY-XXXXX` - `testing/baz: fix policy violations` ### Lowercase, No dot Text after the colon must start in lowercase and have no dot at the end. ### Direct, Short Focus on **what** the commit does and use as few words as possible. If possible also tell **why**. Good examples: - `main/foo: fix build under gcc-10` - `fix build` is **what** - `under gcc-10` is **why** - `main/foo: disable support for X` - `disable support for X` is **what** - `main/foo: add fish completion` - `add fish completion` is **what** - `main/foo: enable on x86` - `enable on x86` is **what** - `main/foo: rebuild for so:foo.so.2` - `rebuild` is **what** - `for so:foo.so.2` is **why** They are short and concise, they tell **what** the commit did. If given the opportunity also tell **why**. The **how** and a clear **why** is handled by the commit body and changes. ### Assume basic knowledge, Avoid unnecessary explanations The reader does not need to be told how the complex details of something work, just that it was the reason the change was done. Example: Don't tell the user how sonames work and how an ELF binary finds libraries to load via the soname, just tell the soname has changed and thus a rebuild was required.