diff --git a/testing/jaq/32bit-tests.patch b/testing/jaq/32bit-tests.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 41229f002985c91c8143087482a961bfc6527d2c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/testing/jaq/32bit-tests.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-Patch-Source: https://github.com/01mf02/jaq/commit/18aa0a8ac81b8321a453680fecf03b78961fd7ce
-From 18aa0a8ac81b8321a453680fecf03b78961fd7ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Simon Rupf <simon@rupf.net>
-Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 19:08:43 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Changing test to pass on 32 bit architecture.
-Reduces large isize to remain below maximum for signed 32 bit int,
-resolves #243
- jaq-json/tests/funs.rs | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/jaq-json/tests/funs.rs b/jaq-json/tests/funs.rs
-index 7aecdbe..d68ce55 100644
---- a/jaq-json/tests/funs.rs
-+++ b/jaq-json/tests/funs.rs
-@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ fn tojson() {
- #[test]
- fn math_rem() {
-     // generated with this command with modification for errors and float rounding
--    // cargo run -- -rn 'def f: -2, -1, 0, 2.1, 3, 4000000001; f as $a | f as $b | "give!(json!(null), \"\($a) / \($b)\", \(try ($a % $b) catch tojson));"'
-+    // cargo run -- -rn 'def f: -2, -1, 0, 2.1, 3, 2000000001; f as $a | f as $b | "give!(json!(null), \"\($a) / \($b)\", \(try ($a % $b) catch tojson));"'
-     // TODO: use fail!()?
-     give(json!(null), "-2 % -2", json!(0));
-     give(json!(null), "-2 % -1", json!(0));
-@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ fn math_rem() {
-     );
-     give(json!(null), "-2 % 2.1", json!(-2.0));
-     give(json!(null), "-2 % 3", json!(-2));
--    give(json!(null), "-2 % 4000000001", json!(-2));
-+    give(json!(null), "-2 % 2000000001", json!(-2));
-     give(json!(null), "-1 % -2", json!(-1));
-     give(json!(null), "-1 % -1", json!(0));
-     give(
-@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ fn math_rem() {
-     );
-     give(json!(null), "-1 % 2.1", json!(-1.0));
-     give(json!(null), "-1 % 3", json!(-1));
--    give(json!(null), "-1 % 4000000001", json!(-1));
-+    give(json!(null), "-1 % 2000000001", json!(-1));
-     give(json!(null), "0 % -2", json!(0));
-     give(json!(null), "0 % -1", json!(0));
-     give(
-@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ fn math_rem() {
-     );
-     give(json!(null), "0 % 2.1", json!(0.0));
-     give(json!(null), "0 % 3", json!(0));
--    give(json!(null), "0 % 4000000001", json!(0));
-+    give(json!(null), "0 % 2000000001", json!(0));
-     give(json!(null), "2.1 % -2 | . * 1000 | round", json!(100));
-     give(json!(null), "2.1 % -1 | . * 1000 | round", json!(100));
-     give(json!(null), "2.1 % 0 | isnan", json!(true));
-     give(json!(null), "2.1 % 2.1", json!(0.0));
-     give(json!(null), "2.1 % 3", json!(2.1));
--    give(json!(null), "2.1 % 4000000001", json!(2.1));
-+    give(json!(null), "2.1 % 2000000001", json!(2.1));
-     give(json!(null), "3 % -2", json!(1));
-     give(json!(null), "3 % -1", json!(0));
-     give(
-@@ -128,19 +128,19 @@ fn math_rem() {
-     );
-     give(json!(null), "3 % 2.1 | . * 1000 | round", json!(900));
-     give(json!(null), "3 % 3", json!(0));
--    give(json!(null), "3 % 4000000001", json!(3));
--    give(json!(null), "4000000001 % -2", json!(1));
--    give(json!(null), "4000000001 % -1", json!(0));
-+    give(json!(null), "3 % 2000000001", json!(3));
-+    give(json!(null), "2000000001 % -2", json!(1));
-+    give(json!(null), "2000000001 % -1", json!(0));
-     give(
-         json!(null),
--        "try (4000000001 % 0) catch .",
--        json!("cannot calculate 4000000001 % 0"),
-+        "try (2000000001 % 0) catch .",
-+        json!("cannot calculate 2000000001 % 0"),
-     );
-     give(
-         json!(null),
--        "4000000001 % 2.1 | . * 1000 | round",
--        json!(500),
-+        "2000000001 % 2.1 | . * 1000 | round",
-+        json!(1800), // 1000 in jq
-     );
--    give(json!(null), "4000000001 % 3", json!(2));
--    give(json!(null), "4000000001 % 4000000001", json!(0));
-+    give(json!(null), "2000000001 % 3", json!(0));
-+    give(json!(null), "2000000001 % 2000000001", json!(0));
- }
diff --git a/testing/jaq/APKBUILD b/testing/jaq/APKBUILD
index 3f6b5141adb2f54d8f149067abe1b3764488a33a..553ba59677a0449184cdd25a23ddead0e69452ac 100644
--- a/testing/jaq/APKBUILD
+++ b/testing/jaq/APKBUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Maintainer: Hoang Nguyen <folliekazetani@protonmail.com>
+maintainer="Hoang Nguyen <folliekazetani@protonmail.com>"
 pkgdesc="jq clone focused on correctness, speed and simplicity"
@@ -8,10 +8,7 @@ arch="all"
 makedepends="cargo cargo-auditable"
-	https://github.com/01mf02/jaq/archive/v$pkgver/jaq-$pkgver.tar.gz
-	32bit-tests.patch
-	"
 prepare() {
@@ -33,6 +30,5 @@ package() {
-1b062c613a10352c43b34c141986cb34fcf0e4ce74078327bef1028e3acb227c8c40de2231f20ecfae9f9e510fd736e9f73ec42ceba9a3bc19df52f1e9e77a81  jaq-2.0.1.tar.gz
-218a3dbf547717ddf9d7d96756c0c90804e03782b8ae9094d3bbd917442520c4fe6f2423fca874f545c0fde9fb9e3caf87daedc776cfc583f13fa5f7401f1bb2  32bit-tests.patch
+36cddd0d6868535f6c433460196ae215a357ca920f23febc29757d5a6d4b3d0b08235ecf016573f0fdcf95f88b7903ac3ebfa04ded7d400ecef2c46b90c71c56  jaq-2.1.0.tar.gz