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community/kcoreaddons: add -icons for autoinstallation of breeze-icons

Ghost User requested to merge (removed):kcore-breeze into master

currently, when installing some(should enumerate this..) kde apps standalone, they appear broken because they use breeze-icons by default.

even if one can configure another icon theme, by default they would not display correctly.

this change is a compromise that:

  • automatically pulls breeze-icons by default for kcoreaddons (which kde apps depend on; this is the most common dependency for all of them in kde land afaict)
    • this prevents the "looks broken by default" state
  • allows removal of the icons via apk add !kcoreaddons-icons later, for people that do use some other icon set and want to save the diskspace

originally proposed by @WhyNotHugo

Edited by Ghost User

Merge request reports