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community/obexd: separate from main/bluez and enable PBAP support

Dylan Van Assche requested to merge dylanvanassche/aports:bluez-phonebook into master

BlueZ can share the phonebook with car multimedia devices but this feature must be configured at build time.

OBEXD has now PBAP capabilities to share an Evolution's addressbook with Bluetooth clients such as a car multimedia system. However, it requires evolution-data-server-dev dependencies which cannot be moved into main.

This package provides the same OBEXD as in the main BlueZ package but with enhanced capabilities such as PBAP support. Users can opt-in for this package which replaces OBEXD provided by the bluez-obexd package.

Demo 1:

Demo 2 with PyOBEX

dylan@dell-laptop pyobex]$ ./examples/ $BLUETOOTH_ADDRESS

Available cards in telecom/pb

0.vcf: User;Linux
1.vcf: User;Linux
2.vcf: postmarketOS
3.vcf: Van Assche;Dylan

Cards in telecom/pb

b'BEGIN:VCARD\r\nVERSION:2.1\r\nUID:pas-id-a8086efa18cab45c6fea7ab29fe444c10ce9fc8b\r\nFN:Linux User\r\nN:User;Linux;;;\r\nREV:2022-01-30T19:43:08Z\r\nEND:VCARD'
b'BEGIN:VCARD\r\nVERSION:2.1\r\nUID:pas-id-a8086efa18cab45c6fea7ab29fe444c10ce9fc8b\r\nFN:Linux User\r\nN:User;Linux;;;\r\nREV:2022-01-30T19:43:08Z\r\nEND:VCARD'
b'BEGIN:VCARD\r\nVERSION:2.1\r\nUID:pas-id-c63eeeb25ea988bc86fe83cdfa58a449b47ad18f\r\nTEL;TYPE=CELL:+3136647862\r\nFN:Dylan Van Assche\r\nN:Van Assche;Dylan;;;\r\nREV:2022-01-30T19:34:42Z\r\nEND:VCARD'
Edited by Dylan Van Assche

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