linux-its missing /boot/config.gz. Causes grub-mkconfig to fail for Xen based system
Package Information
- Package name: linux-lts
- Package version: linux-lts-6.12.1-r3
- Alpine version: 3.21.0
- Alpine architecture: x86_64
Running grub-mkconfig
does not produce an entry with Xen.
Steps to reproduce
Around line 189 in /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen requires the end of the config file in /boot to line up with the version name of the linux kernel (vmlinuz-lts). In previous releases the config file was named /boot/config-lts. Since Alpine 3.20 the name has been changed and causes this script to not generate a Xen based boot entry.
I was able to bypass this issue with a symlink of config-6.12.1-3-lts back to config-its.