GNOME 45 upgrade coordination
GNOME 45 is due in less than a month (schedule) and we will have to do the usual upgrade process here in Alpine. gnome-aports-utils is a good aid to get started, but even with it there tends to be some work necessary to get everything to compile and so on. Previous years me and Pablo have worked together on this (and also Alice before she departed), but now that we're seeing some new GNOME contributors (which is great!) I thought it could be a good idea if anyone is interested in helping out.
How we've done it previous times is that I've created an MR with all the GNOME upgrades (sometimes splitting off parts of it as sensible) to which Pablo could contribute as I have given him write access to my fork of aports. This is not necessarily ideal as it can be easy to overwrite each other's work if you force push. However, I'm not sure how it could be done otherwise. If someone is interested in helping out with the upgrade, please leave a comment and we can discuss how to best arrange this. We could just do it like previous times, but I'm not sure I will have as much time as I did during those.
Tagging people who've shown interest in GNOME stuff recently @pabloyoyoista @chereskata @knuxify @jane400