In GNOME, language can't be changed with the default shell ash
On Alpine 3.17.3, when using GNOME with lang packages installed and the default shell /bin/ash
, changing the user language through the GNOME panel won't make any change (after a log out of course), no error are shown.
Changing the user shell to /bin/bash
makes GNOME happy in some way and language change is applied.
Changing back to /bin/ash
makes GNOME in English again.
In order to reproduce:
- setup-alpine
- setup-desktop gnome
- apk add lang
- In GNOME Panel, pick a non English language (French for me)
- Log out (GNOME panel will provide a button) and log back
- GNOME should still be in English
- run
usermod -s /bin/bash $user
and log out / log in again - GNOME should be in the other Language
Although, if you edit /etc/profile.d/
to add your locale, GNOME will apply the language of the locale even with /bin/ash
as a shell, and won't care about the setting you've put in the panel. If I set fr_FR.UTF-8
in my locale and put GNOME in Spanish, it will be in French.
CC @team/gnome
Edited by Solène Rapenne