community/meilisearch: Invalid argument (os error 22) while indexCreation
While trying to create an index in meilisearch, the job fails and states above error in its information. This can be reproduced with fresh install of meilisearch on (latest-stable and/or edge).
I believe this is due to interaction between liblmdb and meilisearch (maybe corresponding -sys crate?). Let me know how can I help narrow down this issue further.
Create index:
$ jq -n "{uid: \"${1}\", primaryKey: \"${2}\"}" | curl -X POST http://${MEILI_HTTP_ADDR}/indexes -H "Authorization: Bearer ${MEILI_MASTER_KEY}" --json @-
"taskUid": 5,
"indexUid": "ifsc",
"status": "enqueued",
"type": "indexCreation",
"enqueuedAt": "2023-04-14T14:19:15.711285072Z"
Get task (5 in this case) status:
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${MEILI_MASTER_KEY}" localhost:7700/tasks/5 | jq
"uid": 5,
"indexUid": "ifsc",
"status": "failed",
"type": "indexCreation",
"details": {
"primaryKey": "IFSC"
"error": {
"message": "Invalid argument (os error 22)",
"code": "internal",
"type": "internal",
"link": ""
"duration": "PT0.002676811S",
"enqueuedAt": "2023-04-14T14:19:15.711285072Z",
"startedAt": "2023-04-14T14:19:15.715625762Z",
"finishedAt": "2023-04-14T14:19:15.718302573Z"