urfkill not usable out of the box
After installing the package the log is full of
Mar 12 17:15:06 dell daemon.warn URfkill[2835]: <warning> Failed to write persistence data: Failed to create file “/usr/var/lib/urfkill/saved-states.QRBI11”: No such file or directory
Creating the directory /usr/var/lib/urfkill solves the problem, but the package should probably be configured to use /var, not /usr/var.
The next problem is:
Mar 12 19:46:23 dell daemon.warn URfkill[2832]: <warning> GetSeats Failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit was not provided by any .service files
which is fixed by installing consolekit2, it should probably be a dependency.