py3-moviepy: currently unusable
First at all, thank you for this wonderful alpine project! I've been using alpine for several years and recently moviepy. In my environment, noticed that python native alpine packages install significantly faster than pypi ones, thus my interest in having py3-moviepy in a working state.
Currently there are several dependencies missing in py3-moviepy including documented ones in : py3-pip py3-requests py3-imageio-ffmpeg py3-tqdm . Also, there is a dependency incompatibility with py3-decorator as moviepy seem to still depend on decorator version 4 (,
moviepy is an active project that would release a new major version 2.0 ( that is in the works for a couple of years. In the meantime, would be great to be able to install and use it as hassle-free as possible in alpine as intended. I'm happy to help.