Missing release note entry for significant OpenRC change (wipe_tmp default)
I believe a release note entry for #13070 (closed) is missing. At least, I did not find a mention of this. Only https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Release_Notes_for_Alpine_3.16.0#.2Ftmp_mounted_as_tmpfs looks close, but that's not exactly it.
I consider this change quit esignificant, as existing installations won't have their /tmp cleared on reboot any more. This may work out fine some machines but for others, over time, this may end up using large amounts of disk space ( e. g. (badly written) backup scripts that do not clean up after themselves). This was the case on one of my machines, but I caught in time.
I am not arguing against the change. Generally however, I would argue users assume /tmp to be cleared on reboot either because it's a tmpfs or because init does some cleanup on boot. Hence, the new behaviour for existing installations should be surprising for others as well.
I believe the change should be mentioned in whatever release the patch (https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/tree/main/openrc/0008-bootmisc-switch-wipe_tmp-setting-to-no-by-default.patch) took affect and maybe should be communicated to users somehow ( e. g. in next release notes ).