Response codes for aports URLs
20240319 - Updated, see last post and ignore everything else.
20230407 - Updated, see last post and ignore everything else.
20221111 - Updated, see last post and ignore everything else.
20220725 - Updated, see last post and ignore everything else.
As sort of a practical exercise, I pulled out the project urls from the APKBUILD files and then checked them with curl. The summary of results are below, by repo. 404's are bad of course but there are quite a few 301's as well that should probably be updated? Any suggestions on what to do with the results? I think the 404's will need to be gone through one by one but the 301's should include the replacement url and so could be at least partially scripted.
My local aports is a little behind aports master and the below numbers only include http/https urls so the totals are off by a few but should be pretty close.
edit: updated to remove urls with variables in them, I thought I did that originally. Those were obviously 404's since I didn't take the time to figure out how to expand the variables into a valid url prior to checking with curl.
edit: see comment for 18 Jan for updated method and results, the above approach was pretty flawed, though the new one might not be much better!