netatalk 3.1.12-r3 cant write to afp share
Hey there, with the new 3.1.12-r3 package from the community repo in Alpine 3.1.13 I'm not able to write to my share anymore as a guest user. Reading is working fine. Below are the config. I'm not sure how to give a more detailed information because I'm not so familiar with debugging afp stuff. I solved this temporarily with installing the 3.1.12-r2 package from the Alpine 3.1.12 community repo. The package R2 is working fine.
Let me know if you need more detailed information.
; output log entries to stdout instead of syslog
; it is the docker way where the engine in turn
; can direct the log output to a storage backend
log file = /var/log/netatalk
; enable guest access as well as user accounts
uam list =
path = /opt/share
; when the environment variable `AFP_USER` is not
; provided valid users list will be empty and
; thus be available for both guests and
; authenticated users
; valid users = %USER%
[Time Machine]
path = /opt/timemachine
time machine = yes
Edited by Malte