ansible-lint shows wrong version when installed via apk
I see a mismatch between the output of ansible-lint --version
when the tool is installed as apk package with respect to installing it with pip
, even though declared package versions are 4.3.7 in both cases and the source archive should be the same (same checksum for the source package used to build apk as the one used by pip).
/ # apk add ansible-lint
/ # apk info ansible-lint
ansible-lint-4.3.7-r1 description:
A tool to check ansible playbooks
ansible-lint-4.3.7-r1 webpage:
ansible-lint-4.3.7-r1 installed size:
656 KiB
/ # ansible-lint --version
ansible-lint 0.0.0
Of course, this output smells wrong...
[install some build deps]
/ # pip3 install ansible-lint
/ # ansible-lint --version
ansible-lint 4.3.7
...which looks a better output.
Edited by Andrea Galbusera