Package Request: dropbear-initramfs
Dropbear-Initramfs is a special version of the dropbear ssh server, that can run in the initramfs at boot time. It is mostly used for decryption of LUKS encrypted rootfs at KVM servers or dedicated servers (for dedicated server its more or less required, if theres no permanently physical access to the hardware).
I am already using this software on my debian and proxmox machines, since there is a package in the repos for installing it. And it works pretty good... its also very important for me, for automatically decrypting my servers in the datacenter, if theres an unexpected reboot (e.g. because of a hardware outage).
I already had seen, that there is a general dropbear package available for alpine linux, but it seems like there is no possibility to integrate it in the initramfs...
So it would be pretty cool, if there would also be a similiar possibility for integration, like e.g. in debian.
- Dropbear Website:
- dropbear-initramfs for buster:
Thanks! :)