djbdns: ipv6 patch not being applied
I tried using tinydns and defining a AAAA record, but got a "unrecognized leading character" error when running tinydns-data on a file with a line starting with 3
The fefe patch is listed in the sources, but since it's a .diff.bz2 file, I think it's not actually being applied. The new patch (test28 instead of test25) is a .diff.xz file, which also doesn't get applied automatically.
I tried to download the patch, rename it to .patch
, and add it to the sources list, but I couldn't get the patch to apply cleanly. It conflicts with the jumbo-josb patch, which is a collection of 14~15 patches. Both of these patches are 1000+ lines long, so merging them is probably not trivial.