Polari more runtime dependancies needed
I am running alpine edge, and Polari (gnome's irc software) would not add any irc networks, with the following error in the terminal:
(polari:16710): Gjs-CRITICAL **: 12:06:13.059: JS ERROR: GLib.Error dbus-glib-error-quark: The name org.freedesktop.Telepathy.AccountManager was not provided by any .service files
Checking on here https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/polari-git, I saw it required:
- telepathy-glib
- telepathy-idle
- telepathy-logger
- telepathy-mission-control
which I did not recall installing when I installed it with apk.
So I apk added them and it worked properly. I assume this may also be an issue for non edge alpine if the package is there also, however I cannot test.
Edited by CactiChameleon9